Closer to our landlords
Largier expert team, next gen building management entity, offers to landlords a complete transparent management at a high-quality service.
By choosing “Largier Gestion” you’re guaranteeing yourself with an efficient property management for your building.
You’ll have by your side :
• An experienced team to answer your needs
• Lower your expenses and add value to your properties in Paris
• New online technology applying for property management
• A modern co-ownership representative
A co-ownership representative dedicated to customer satisfaction
Your building management satisfaction is our first priority
That’s why, in regards to your building designation, you can adapt your building viewings and councils.
An online co-ownership
A dedicated space for your co-ownership council
Follow the expenses and the budget of your building
Access to building fees confirmation
Access to all your co-owners documents (account statements, building meeting notices, building contracts, registration forms, interventions…
Pay your building fees online
A transparent co-ownership
Largier is engaged to respect the “ALUR” standard contract
Largier is engaged to respect the code of ethics including decree n ° 2015-1090 of August 28, 2015.
Largier does not participate to building meetings it managed.
Largier does not have any ownership or associates in companies related to property management
Largier does not receive, directly or undirectly any payments that are not related to his instruction.
By choosing “Largier Gestion” you’re guaranteeing yourself with an efficient property management for your building.
You’ll have by your side :
• An experienced team to answer your needs
• Lower your expenses and add value to your properties in Paris
• New online technology applying for property management
• A modern co-ownership representative
A co-ownership representative dedicated to customer satisfaction
Your building management satisfaction is our first priority
That’s why, in regards to your building designation, you can adapt your building viewings and councils.
An online co-ownership
A dedicated space for your co-ownership council
Follow the expenses and the budget of your building
Access to building fees confirmation
Access to all your co-owners documents (account statements, building meeting notices, building contracts, registration forms, interventions…
Pay your building fees online
A transparent co-ownership
Largier is engaged to respect the “ALUR” standard contract
Largier is engaged to respect the code of ethics including decree n ° 2015-1090 of August 28, 2015.
Largier does not participate to building meetings it managed.
Largier does not have any ownership or associates in companies related to property management
Largier does not receive, directly or undirectly any payments that are not related to his instruction.